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Bored On Vacation

We're stuck in our hotel room together. I'm playing a game on my laptop without bottoms and you decide to watch me. I finally notice you and ask if you want to play. But you say no and keep watching me. I finally ask you to just play if you're going to keep watching, only to notice you're staring at my pussy. I had to wash all of my clothes so I had no choice!
A bit later, I do some work stuff on my phone and laptop. You come in and sit and stare at my pussy again. I'm super bored and try to make plans with you, but you're only half listening and can't stop staring. All you can focus on is my pussy and nothing else. I ask you questions and eventually ask you if it's perfect. You say yes and assume I mean my pussy. But no. You agreed to paying for our activities. I guess you should have paid attention!


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