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Rope Bondage with Mistress Kinako

by Courtney Trouble

12 Photos | Added 6 years ago

"私にとって縄の軸は「責め」のために存在している。オークランドで行った撮影では責めを頭の中に入れながら、女性をいかに美しく飾るかという路線も考えさせられた。股縄はしっかりかけたがな!" - MIsstress Kinako

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Photographer, Chelsea Poe

Misstress Kinako is an extreme honor to have in my home, gifting me with her presence and her own worship of me while she ties up my body and puts me in a few of her favorite holds and poses. I am in a blissful space as she maneuvers me around how she expertly pleases.

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