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You've been feeling so down lately. You just lost your mediocre job, you and we've had a lack of intimacy in the bedroom, frankly things just suck all around lately. I call you into the shower, with something special planned. I know how down you've been and I want nothing more than to cheer you up. I give you a sensual strip tease in the shower. Watching the water fall all over your girlfriend's hot body starts to make you feel better. I take your cock in my mouth and begin to free your mind of all the worries you had. You start to feel like maybe life isn't so bad and maybe this is a brand new start for us. This whole situation could be a blessing in disguise. You'll find a job with the pay you actually deserve and you'll have more time to spend with me now. As I work your dick in my mouth and then slide it inside me, in this moment you feel like you just might be the luckiest man in the world to have a girlfriend who cares this much about you.


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