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Adult Film Star Lexi Bloom's First Photoshoot!

by Bigsexy Films

219 Photos | Added 4 years ago

Here is a blast from the past! Gorgeous Lexi Bloom answered an ad I posted for nude/adult modeling. These are from her first adult shoot ever. She joined me in the studio in June 2010, and we shot 4 sets of photos. Here are some from the first set, which was just in a pair of shorts and shirt. She got naked during the other 3 sets.

The shoot went great! I was excited to shoot with her again, and she expressed interest in possibly doing a boy/girl shoot! I was pretty damn excited, because she was cool and is smoking hot, but, alas, it was not to be. She had finals the next week, and then I had vacation the week after, and by the time I got back home, she had flown to Los Angeles and within another week, I saw my photos in a promotional email from an LA-based adult talent agency. Within another week, she was shooting XXX scenes. Timing is everything. In this case, I just missed out on shooting with an incredibly sexy woman!

This is a photo set, only. No video. It contains 219 photographs. The photos are unedited. At the time, I was shooting with cloth backdrops, and they are a pain in the ass to deal with! I have not gone through and smoothed everything out. My suggestion is to not get hung up on the backdrop and instead check out that gorgeous woman in front of it!

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