Siren's Song | KitKatFeedee
12:45 | Added 4 years ago
Siren's have been around for centuries, luring sailors to their deaths as a means to satiate their appetites. They live in a constant cycle of luring ships, devouring their victims, and waiting for the next to arrive, but this Siren has a secret.
Ariel doesn't only have an appetite for humans, she loves the food that falls off their ships even more! Every shipwreck brings a whole new set of flavors for her to experience, and even she has to admit she's looking particularly whale-like recently, but she can't help but devour everything that goes overboard.
Just as the men are drawn to her song, she is drawn to shore, but not for a man like the story we all know. She wants to taste everything, and nothing will satisfy her need until she does.
Stuffing | Hints of vore | Talking about insatiable appetite | Bellyplay | Junk Food
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