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Beta Cuck Chosen To Worship My Sweaty Ass and Pussy Creampie

I'm so happy you came home with me from the club... As soon as I spotted you I knew I needed to take you home. Its not too kinky if I start by tying you up is it? I want to sit right down on your face and rub my sweaty ass and pussy all over you. You like how I smell don't you? Well I want to tell you something... I'm taken. By a big dicked alpha male. Ahahaha you should see the look on your face, I would never fuck you! You're clearly a little beta cuck, I just brought you home to clean me up after the club, and so I could show you how a real man fucks me. How about after he fills me with his thick creampie, you be a good boy and slurp up the mess we made in my pussy tonight, beta bitch.

Includes: Cuck, cucking, cuckolding, beta male, alpha male, beta humiliation, beta degradation, creampie cleanup, bi, bisexual, cream pie, cute, GND, mean girlfriend, mean, chastity, tied up, voyeur, sweat, messy, stinky, smelly pussy, smelly ass, smell fetish, stink fetish, sweat fetish, big cock, uncut cock, alpha couple


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